Monday, February 06, 2006


No one is perfect, not me, not you, not my boss. No job is perfect, not mine, not yours. No life is perfect, not mine, not yours. No personality is perfect, no idea, no love, no story, no city, no country, no mind, no heart, no piece of Art, no song on the radio. Every moment/situation is a hodge/podge of variables and disorder. All we can do with all this imperfection and disappointment is hope for the best, assume the best, do our best, and leave it at that. Striving and hoping may not make anything better, but it is the purpose and desire for betterment that is valuable and soothing to our hearts/minds. Dwelling in cynicism and loss will provide nothing but itself.


You are Jennifer Aniston from Along came Polly.
This is what my boss says to me when I quit.
I say that I will take it as a compliment.

I will assume the best.

Friday, February 03, 2006

And P.S.

I don’t like computer automated telephone answering systems. I especially dislike the ones where we are to speak into the black oblivion and have a computer decipher our words. I am very irritated when pressing zero does not work to transfer me to an actual person.

I do not want my ex boyfriend to call me at work and ask me if I have a moment and than tell me that I am cold and that the dog still misses me. I am at work. My manager is at my desk. I haven’t heard from you in weeks. I am not playing cold, I am cold because I really don’t care anymore and I don’t think about you anymore. It might be sad in some place, but not my heart or mind.

I do not like to be told to find another job and then when my replacement comes to take my position and quits, I am subsequently told to no longer try and find another job. What the %$#@ ?

Dump your mindless non-event girlfriend before you try and Master Mac my sweet ass!